
the fresh stART art project

the fresh stART art project

As Covid continues to spread throughout our communities, some days it is hard to feel hopeful and energized. The past 20 months have left us exhausted and the pandemic has impacted everyone and everything. Healing is necessary and a fresh start is needed. 

In response to this somber period, I am organizing a new collaborative group project called the fresh stART project. Creativity will play an important role; however you do not need to be an artist to participate. You just need to be willing to try it all. There will be opportunities to write poetry, make music, arrange flowers, bake, write letters, journal, paint, draw and find inspiration in nature. These activities will happen on your own timeframe and will be a part of your own fresh start as well as be material for our group project. I hope you will join us. 


Monday is Trash Day

Monday is Trash Day
Around here, Monday is trash day. Monday is also my internal trash day, when I tend to be hardest on myself and give myself the least amount of self love. One antidote to this negative mindset is making art. Getting paint all over my hands, feeling the rough metal and holding the street worn nails; it's a connection to these materials that pulls me out of the Monday Blues and back to a reality that is rich with blessings. My paints, paint brushes and Found Objects pull me back to a happy place where self satisfaction and self love exist, free of anxiety and self doubt.